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Loan Modifications

Indianapolis Loan Modifications Lawyers

Marion County Bankruptcy Attorneys

The first thing many people think of when they fall behind on mortgage payments is the possibility of a loan modification. Some government and corporate programs have received serious media coverage, and it seems reasonable to believe that the lender would rather work something out with you than go through the entire foreclosure process.

Unfortunately, the reality is that few lenders are willing to negotiate directly with borrowers in foreclosure. It is essential to learn all your legal rights and options, and the best way to gain that knowledge is to contact a lawyer versed in Indiana law, negotiation strategies, foreclosure defense and personal bankruptcy.

Evaluating Legal Options and Finding a Path Back to Stability for You

Applying over 60 years of collective experience, our Indiana foreclosure and bankruptcy attorneys can help you:

  • Assess your overall financial situation accurately and realistically, in order to determine whether a loan modification would truly address your debt problems
  • Inform you of other choices to consider, including a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate other debts or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing that may enable you to stay in the home and make up your arrearage over time

If achievable, a mortgage loan modification is well worth considering — alongside a clear picture of your other obligations and assets. Often, however, a well-planned and properly executed personal bankruptcy filing is a more effective and dependable long-term solution.

To speak directly with a skilled Indianapolis attorney focused on finding the best solution to your home foreclosure and other financial troubles, please call or e-mail our office today. We offer a free telephone consultation to begin exploring your specific situation — and we offer payment plans and other methods of making the solutions we offer affordable for you.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.