IRS Uncollectible Status
Sometimes, you simply cannot pay your bills. You may have just lost your job, gotten a divorce or had another significant life event that changed your income. When you are unable to pay your tax debt, you do have options, but you must act quickly to work with the IRS before the IRS takes action to collect the debt.
If you are unable to make any payments to the IRS at this time, it may be possible to secure "currently not collectible" status on your tax debt. We can help you with this. At Saeed & Little LLP, in Indianapolis, we have the experience, knowledge and skill to assist you with all types of tax debt issues with the IRS. No matter the amount or length of time your debt has gone unpaid, we will work diligently to protect your rights and get you back on track to financial freedom from your overwhelming debts.
What Is Currently Not Collectible Tax Status?
When your tax debt has a status of currently not collectible with the IRS, it means that the IRS will not take action to collect on your tax debt. This can put a stop to an IRS foreclosure, wage garnishment, civil action, levy or lien.
You can obtain this status if you are unable to pay your tax debts even through a payment plan or offer in compromise. While you have this status, penalties and interest will continue to build on the amount you owe. Additionally, the IRS will review your status each year to determine whether you are able to pay.
Our attorneys can help you decide if IRS uncollectible status is the right solution to your debt problems. We will work directly with you to review your situation and all potential solutions, including bankruptcy. We will use any means available to help you achieve your financial goals and get relief from your debt problems.
Contact A Lawyer About Hardships And Forgiveness Of Debt
We understand how difficult it can be to pay your tax debt when you fall on hard times or lose your job. Our lawyers are committed to helping you find a solution that helps you through this difficult time. Contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our tax debt attorneys.
Flexible Appointments
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.