When A Spouse Files Bankruptcy
What Happens if My Spouse Files for Bankruptcy?
Nobody ever plans to file bankruptcy, but sometimes it can be unavoidable. Bankruptcy can help you put your debt behind you and rebuild your credit and future with a fresh start. If you are in a relationship and your spouse needs or wants to file bankruptcy but you don’t or can’t one of you can still file without the other. Let a bankruptcy attorney help you.
If My Spouse Files Bankruptcy Will It Affect Me?
Although your spouse may choose to file bankruptcy on their own you could still be affected. For example, any bills or property you share with your spouse could be include in the bankruptcy case. This can either help you in the long run or hurt you. If you are concerned about how your spouse’s bankruptcy case can affect you, talk to a bankruptcy lawyer.
How Can An Attorney Help?
If your spouse has chosen to file bankruptcy and you are concerned about the effects it may have on you, you should contact a bankruptcy attorney such as the law office of Saeed & Little LLP Your attorney can talk to you and your spouse and determine the best way to handle the case. Your attorney can also inform you of the risks and benefits involved in bankruptcy.
Get Help With Your Bankruptcy Concerns
Finding out what your spouse wants or needs to file bankruptcy can be a little scary. While your spouse’s bankruptcy can still affect you, a bankruptcy attorney can walk you through the process and help protect you and your belongings. If you are in need of a bankruptcy attorney, call Saeed & Little LLP at 317-685-2426.