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Hancock County - Chapter 13

Swimming in a Sea of Debt? Hancock County Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Help

Indiana Law Firm With Over Six Decades of Combined Bankruptcy Experience

Millions of Americans are currently struggling with debt problems. If you're considering filing for chapter 13 bankruptcy in Hancock County, Indiana, contact the bankruptcy lawyers at Saeed & Little LLP – we understand your situation and genuinely want to help.

Chapter 13 Filing Requirements

A chapter 13 bankruptcy case begins with the filing a petition with the bankruptcy court serving the area where the debtor lives. For those residing in Hancock County, Indiana, that is the Indiana Southern Bankruptcy Court located at courthouses in Indianapolis, New Albany, Evansville, and Terre Haute.

Unless told otherwise, a Hancock County debtor will be required to file:

  • Schedules outlining assets and liabilities
  • Schedule of current income and expenditures
  • Schedule of executor contracts and unexpired leases
  • Statement of financial affairs
  • Certificate of credit counseling and a copy of any debt repayment plan that was developed during credit counseling
  • Evidence of payment from employers received 60 days before filing
  • Statement of monthly net income and any anticipated increase in income and expenses after filing
  • Record of any interest the debtor has in federal or state-qualified education or tuition accounts

The debtor must also provide the chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee with a copy of his most recent tax return, as well as tax returns filed during the bankruptcy case. Spouses may file individual or joint petitions, and the courts are required to charge a $235 case filing fee and a $46 miscellaneous administrative fee.

Residents of Hancock County, Indiana who need help deciding whether or not to file for chapter 13 bankruptcy should contact the bankruptcy attorneys at Saeed & Little LLP online or by calling 317-685-2426. Your initial telephone consultation with one of our attorneys will be free of charge.